Kyuuketsuki Miyu is a disturbing four episode long anime series about a young immortal vampire princess named Miyu and her protectorservantbest friend and more Larva. In four episodes, a nosy spirit-hunter Himiko Se chases the elusive Miyu because she is very curious about Miyu's past. Miyu, she discovers, is the guardian of the door between the two world One of the Shinma (shin god; ma ghostdemon) and the one of our world. The Shinma wake from their sleep and disturb the lives of the Humans living above. Miyu and her servant () Larva hunts down these strange beings. However, Miyu is one of the Shinma herself and dislikes her duty. In the four episodes, Himiko Se discovers her linkdestiny with Miyu...
演员:高山南 山崎和佳奈 神谷明 小山力也 林原惠美 山口胜平 田中秀幸 岛本须美 绪方贤一 堀川亮 松井菜樱子 宫村优子 岩居由希子 大谷育江 高木涉 高岛雅罗 堀之纪 立木文彦 小山茉美 三石琴乃 置鲇龙太郎 日高法子 池田秀一 古谷彻
演员:野原向日葵:こおろぎさとみ 野原广志:森川智之 藤原啓治 野原美冴:ならはしみき 野原新之助:矢島晶子 小山よし治:池田知聡 坂口賢一 小山まさえ:宮寺智子